
First power for Hollandse Kust Zuid offshore wind farm

Hollandse Kust Zuid wind farm achieved successful delivery of first power to the Dutch grid. While still in its testing phase, the first operating turbine is already producing electricity, which is transferred to shore via the alpha offshore transformation station and feeds into the grid.  

Construction of Hollandse Kust Zuid started last summer, installing 34 foundations before work was paused during winter. The second phase, which began in Spring of this year, includes the installation of the remaining foundations, the wind turbines and the inter array cables. The first turbine was erected during Easter and 36 turbines have been installed since then. The last turbine is expected to be installed in the second quarter of 2023. 

We are immensely proud to reach this milestone. The delivery of power to the Dutch grid is an important moment, not just for us but also for all our partners, suppliers, contractors and all other parties who helped to get to this point. With Hollandse Kust Zuid we are working on the largest and first subsidy-free offshore wind farm in the world. It is wonderful to see our energization and first power plan come to fruition and we look forward to completing the wind farm in 2023,” says Ian Bremner, Project Director. 

Substantial contribution to energy goals  
The 225 km2 Hollandse Kust Zuid wind farm is located in the North Sea, about 18-35 kilometers off the coast between The Hague and Zandvoort. The SG 11.0 200 DD turbines that will be installed at Hollandse Kust Zuid each have a capacity of 11 megawatts. With its total capacity of 1,5 GW, the wind farm’s electricity production equals the consumption of approximately 1,5 million Dutch households. The generated power is transferred to the onshore grid via two offshore transformer stations built by TSO TenneT. These offshore substations collect all power from the turbines, then passes it on to the Dutch electricity grid. The 225 km2 wind farm, owned by Vattenfall, BASF, and Allianz, is scheduled to be fully operational in 2023. 

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About Vattenfall

Vattenfall produces and supplies electricity, heat, cold and gas and offers customers various sustainable solutions. The Swedish energy company is investing heavily in wind power, as one of the solutions to reduce dependence on the use of fossil fuels in the future.