Frequently asked questions
Hollandse Kust Zuid Wind Farm
Why is the Hollandse Kust Zuid Wind Farm being built?
In the coming years, the Dutch government wants to drastically reduce the emission of greenhouse gases (such as CO2). For this reason, they have entered into a number of agreements. The Energy Agreement (2013), the Paris Climate Agreement (2015) and the National Climate Agreement (2019). These agreements mean that more renewable energy needs to be produced. The government decides where the wind turbines will be located and the Dutch Enterprise Agency issues the tender, and in this way the decision is made about who will build the wind farm.
How can Vattenfall build the wind farm without a subsidy?
In the past, a government subsidy was needed in order to build a wind farm out at sea. The way in which the government looked for HKZ for a location, makes preparations, issues ready-to-roll licences and guarantees the connection to the national grid, carries a lot less risk nowadays. This, in turn, means lower costs. This means that Vattenfall will be able to build HKZ without any financial support from the government.
How big is the wind farm?
The total area of the Hollandse Kust Zuid is made up of four sections that are also called parcels. Vattenfall is building parcels 1-4. Parcel 1 consists of 67 km2, parcel 2 consists of 48 km2, parcel 3 consists 46 km2 and parcel 4 consists 64 km2. In total Hollandse Kust Zuid will cover 225km2. The wind farm will eventually provide approximately 1.500 megawatts (MW) of power.
Where will Hollandse Kust Zuid Wind Farm be sited?
Vattenfall will build the wind farm in the North Sea, at least 18 kilometres from the coast, in the area between The Hague and Zandvoort. In some cases, it will be even further out to sea. Thus, the distance of the wind farm from the coast of The Hague will be 23.5 kilometres. The farthest turbines are located 36km offshore.
Why is the wind farm being built in this area of the North Sea?
In order to counter climate change, the Dutch government has decided that a great many wind farms need to be built. Vattenfall as a company does not make the decision about the location of the wind farm, the Dutch government does. The location of Hollandse Kust Zuid in the North Sea is favourable. The quality of the seabed is good and it is not too deep. The wind farm is easily accessible from the port of IJmuiden.
How many wind turbines will there be in the wind farm?
Hollandse Kust Zuid will be comprised of 139 turbines. Vattenfall has selected Siemens Gamesa for delivering the turbines.
How tall are the wind turbines?
Each turbine has a tip height of 225.8 metres and a rotor diameter of 200 metres. The blades are 97 metres long.
What type of wind turbines will be installed at the wind farm?
Vattenfall and Siemens Gamesa are joining forces to deploy the SGRE Direct Drive turbine in the North Sea, which can reach a capacity of 11MW under specific site conditions.
How much green energy will the wind farm produce?
The wind farm will be generating an amount of clean energy equivalent to the consumption of over 1.5 million Dutch households.
What is the power output of the wind farm?
This is the maximum output of a wind farm that Vattenfall can make use of in normal conditions. This wind farm will produce a maximum of approximately 1.500 MW.
When will construction of the wind farm begin?
Pre studies on for example the seabed were already performed in 2019. In 2020 an UXO (unexploded ordnance) campaign is ongoing to further explore any possible explosive objects on the seabed. The actual installation of offshore assets started in 2021. The wind farm is expected to be fully operational in 2023.
Who will be building the Hollandse Kust Zuid Wind Farm?
Energy company Vattenfall. Read more about Vattenfall and wind energy here.
Can the wind farm be seen from the coast?
Whether or not you can see the wind farm depends on a number of factors. These factors include the weather conditions, the time of day and the season. Generally speaking, in clear weather conditions, the Hollandse Kust Zuid Wind Farm can be seen from the coast.
What is the operating life of the wind farm?
The Hollandse Kust Zuid Wind Farm will operate for 25-30 years. In order to ensure that the wind farm operates for the longest possible time, we will be carrying out regular maintenance. When the wind farm needs to be dismantled in the future, we will comply with all the regulations and measures that are laid down in the license.
Employment opportunities
How many new jobs will be created by the construction of the wind farm?
The construction of the wind farm will create more employment opportunities. In 2017, approximately 2,000 people were employed in offshore wind power in the Netherlands. Precisely how many new jobs will be created in the construction of the Hollandse Kust Zuid Wind Farm is still not known.
In what way will local companies along the coast benefit from the construction of this wind farm?
Employment opportunities in the region will benefit from the construction of the wind farm. In 2017, approximately 2,000 people were employed in offshore wind power in the Netherlands. Precisely how many new jobs will be created in the construction of the Hollandse Kust Zuid Wind Farm is still not known.
How will you ensure that seabirds are not adversely affected by the wind farm?
The wind farm will have an effect on the habitat of seabirds. In order to minimise the consequences, Vattenfall will comply with all the regulations laid down in the permit and site decision. There are regulations laid down to minimise the effects on birds, including stopping the wind turbines in certain circumstances. Read more on Vattenfalls nature conservation policy.
How will you ensure that bats are not adversely affected by the wind farm?
The wind farm will have an effect on the habitat of bats. In order to minimise the consequences, Vattenfall will comply with all the regulations laid down in the permit and site decision. There are regulations laid down to minimise the effects on the bats, including stopping the wind turbines under certain circumstances. Read more on Vattenfalls nature conservation policy.
How will you ensure that fish and marine mammals will not be adversely affected by the wind farm?
Installing the wind farm will have an effect on the habitat of fish and marine mammals. In order to minimise the consequences, Vattenfall will comply with all the regulations laid down in the permit and site decision. There are measures laid down to minimise the effects on fish and marine mammals, including a maximum noise level when pile driving the foundations.
However, there is still a lot to learn about the impact of offshore wind farms on fish and marine mammals. That’s why Vattenfall accommodates and initiates a number of research projects. An example of that is Vattenfall being a co-sponsor of the DEPONS project. This project analyses the effects of piling activities on the porpoise population. As a result, a calculation model is now available. We also conduct research on the effects of offshore wind farms on the lives of salmon, sea trout and bottlenose dolphins.
Will I still be able to fish in these waters in the North Sea?
Wind farm Hollandse Kust Zuid will no longer be accessible from March 1, 2022 for the safety of fishermen and the developers of the wind farm. This applies to the entire construction period. The exact rules regarding passage and shared use of offshore wind farms are being further elaborated by the Dutch government. Most likely, fishing is allowed provided you keep a safe distance from the windmills.
How can I join in with decisions taken about the wind farm?
A lot has already been decided. We know where the wind farm will be sited and when the wind turbines will be delivering clean energy. Hollandse Kust Zuid is a name that the government came up with.
How will Hollandse Kust Zuid affect fishery and other users of the North Sea?
The HKZ area of 225 km2 is fully state owned. The area will remain open for passage and co-use. How this will be developed in detail, is up to the Dutch government. We are open for cooperation where needed, and are in close dialogue already with nature conservation organizations and potential co-users to explore co-use opportunities.
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