
Vattenfall at WindDay 2023

In order to meet the climate goals cooperation is indispensable. Within the energy sector, between public and private and between onshore and offshore wind. During WindDay 2023, all stakeholders from the sector will come together to build the future. One of the speakers is Ireen Geerbex, Senior Manager Offshore Wind at Vattenfall. Among other things, she will talk about how the development of Wind Farm Hollandse Kust Zuid is helping Vattenfall and the wind sector to realize future parks (even) better.  

WindDay is organized for everyone who wants to contribute to a sustainable society and is involved in wind energy projects, both onshore and offshore. The conference will include discussions with topics such as the Dutch wind sector: how to remain distinctive and attractive? Ireen: “A major challenge is that the market is currently under high pressure. There is enormous competition and the whole supply chain is suffering from price increases. Let us not be blinded by the success of recent years. The foundation for offshore wind, namely a stable rollout, acceptable risks and profitable projects, must also remain in place for the future.”  

There must also be developments on the demand side, says Ireen: “For a successful roll-out of offshore wind, it is important that the demand for green energy is also sufficient. Large-scale electrification, especially of industry, is therefore important. This also includes thinking about how best to fit wind and solar into the energy system of the future. Through demand flexibility, for instance, and larger production of hydrogen. But sustainability is also an important pillar for Vattenfall. Because energy should not only be green, but also sustainable when we look at the extraction and reuse of materials. We are therefore one of the drivers of the recently signed IMVO covenant and have installed three turbines at Hollandse Kust Zuid with recyclable blades. There is also still a lot to learn in the field of ecological impact. We at Vattenfall are happy to take a few extra steps in this regard. For example, we recently became a partner in the Kobine project, in which we are going to look at the costs and benefits of the artificial reefs within the Hollandse Kust Zuid wind farm together with scientists from Wageningen University and Research and others. This way, we can make even better choices for nature in the future.”  

Read more about the speakers and the programme on the (Dutch) Windday 2023 website.  

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About Vattenfall

Vattenfall produces and supplies electricity, heat, cold and gas and offers customers various sustainable solutions. The Swedish energy company is investing heavily in wind power, as one of the solutions to reduce dependence on the use of fossil fuels in the future.